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We, the founders of The Garden Clinic, affirm that this institution stands for the weaving together of the mind, body and soul in the Art of Being Human. We acknowledge that human beings are spiritual beings having a physical experience. We recognize the spiritual nature of life, death, health and the art of healing, with wellness understood as the journey, not the destination, and the company of support that is needed through it. While we do not convey a specific doctrine, we openly acknowledge a higher power and divine presence in our lives, and all are welcome here.

Our intention is to focus on helping you attend to yourself, bringing you a healthier body and a serene mind. We hope to guide, nurture and support your practice in the art of being human, and support you in nurturing the positivity that it yields. 

The knowledge contained within the ancient tradition of Unani Tibb Medicine is the foundation of rediscovering wellbeing, and intends to aid the return of this self-empowering awareness back within the health dialogue. Contemporary medicine may often have an unfortunate dismissive attitude toward these traditions, however, these traditions are primordial aspects of the human tapestry for time immemorial. 

An Invitation to Better Health

It take courage to begin this journey, and we are happy to assist you when you choose to reach out to embark on this journey with us. We encourage the client to take on more responsibility for their health and wellbeing. The sincere, well-informed person obtains wellness and healing through self understanding and self responsibility. Our dutiful advice and offered expertise provide invaluable methodologies and techniques, with which empower you heal yourself and are assisted into a more balanced existence.

Investigating Root Causes

The Garden Clinic makes clear the distinctions between the physical and psycho-emotional elements, and employ these distinctions in our discourses when diagnosing root causes of illnesses. We have redefined what treatments are administered, thereafter. We strive to create an awareness of the importance of both this form of medicine and the complimentary part it can play in the diagnosis and treatment of illness.

We meet the challenge to create an integral, functional health program for everyone, which works with everyone as individuals. This happens via one on one consultations and therapy sessions, which over time help you to view the body as a whole. Both work together to assist healing and regeneration.

Health becomes the returned norm of the body, when it is assisted by quality nutrients and foods. Most health situations are the result of imprudent or even self-destructive lifestyle choices, mineral deficiencies & poor nutrition.

The Need for "Physis"

We practice and implement the knowledge of ‘physis’. Physis is the body’s innate ability to heal itself when provided with the nutrients it may be deficient in. The body is made miraculously, and has inherent, marvellous systems of support that work synergistically to boost your immune function and heal tissue. The prime objective of Unani Tibb therapy is to support physis, initially by lifestyle changes, then using natural and herbal medications and then finally regimens where necessary. 

Lifestyle Factors and Nutrition

​A view or direction to balance is obtained by using time tested Naturopathic regimes, such as nutrition, herbs and lifestyle. Further personal consultations reveal lifestyle, exercise and thought patterns that may be benefiting, or creating blocks for your self. We understand that symptoms do not yield complete understandings of how or why a health situation has become apparent. We understand that change begins by addressing the cause of imbalance and identifying unhealthy habits. This requires nurture, compassion, and time. A holistic wellness approach is necessary to create a real ‘Healthy Lifestyle’.

Working with people toward better health and wellbeing is a positive opportunity. Nature provides the holistic health practitioner with the energy, vision and purpose of generating an individually tailored natural lifestyles plan. Consultations offered at The Garden Clinic are thorough, sincere, dedicated, and are usually one or two hours in duration. Subsequent sessions are equally as long and thorough, giving many beneficial results. 

Contact Us

Contact us via phone or email to schedule your journey to health. Online consultations are also available. We have discovered, however, that in person sessions in the therapeutic clinical space are more fulfilling, and thorough and conducive to an atmosphere of healing amongst the carefully planned spaces of The Garden Clinic, including its elemental gardens.


The Garden Clinic practices individual and collective social responsibility, and stewardship, of the resources we have been gifted. We have a responsibility to our communities and society to find ways of improving physical, psycho-emotional, and spiritual wellness. We advocate environmental stewardship and strive to use ecological, non-toxic resources, ancient healing modalities, holistic nutrition, and an educational approach to wellness, mindfulness, and stress management. The Garden Clinic embodies ‘green’ health care.